Glas- eller ventileret sektion
Til oplysning af et mørkt rum anbefales glassektioner. Det kan hjælpe med at spare på energien og sikre kontrol af pladsen foran porten uden at åbne den. Glassektionerne øger yderligere portens æstetiskefremtoning.
Kontrolleret luftskifte i rummet lader holde fugtigheden på et passende niveau. Ventilerede sektioner, som installeres på samme måde som glassektioner, sikrer naturlig ventilation og dermed udveksling af luft indendørs.
Sidedøre i aluminium
Sidedøre i aluminium kan tilpasses enhver rulleport til at matche dens design, farve og opbygning. Dørene kan fås med samme type vinduer, som benyttes i portene.
External installation with a case, and internal installation with a partial cover.
The external installation option is a good solution for objects where installation inside the premises is impossible (for example, in case of insufficient headroom or sideroom). The external installation is possible under the condition that the drive is protected with a case against adverse weather conditions.
The case covers the drive mechanism. This solution ensures safe installation of the door on the outside of the garage opening.
It consists of aluminium structure with steel side sheets fastened using steel brackets. The case is available in RAL 8019 or RAL 9010, and it can be coated in any RAL colour as an option.
The cover may also be used inside the room if the assembly conditions allow.
Important! In case of external installation the concave side of the profile forms the external side of the door and is visible from the outside. In addition, the power source, control panel and spiral cable (safety edge) are installed inside of the room.
The SI 17, SI 25, SI 40 drives feature emergency opening with a hand crank only. The SI 55, SI 75 drives feature emergency opening using a chain hoist or hand crank.
The partial shaft cover is recommended for the internal installation and serves as a drive shaft protection. It includes aluminium top and bottom cover in RAL 8019 or RAL 9010.
As an option, the cover can be coated in the door shutter colour. The covers are mounted on the galvanised steel brackets.
I takt med idéer og behov af individuelle kunder, som forventer en holdbar, æstetisk og unik løsning, omfatter vores tilbud et stort udvalg af farver. På den måde kan kunderne selv vælge den farve, der bedst passer til deres facilitet.
De kunder, der er på udkig efter en port i usædvanlige farver, kan få deres port pulverlakeret i en af mere end 200 farver fra RAL-paletten.
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